Driving Customer Growth Through Innovative UX Strategies

As the Senior Director of UX, my focus extends to not only acquiring and retaining customers but also growing our customer base through strategic, data-driven initiatives. This collection of projects showcases my efforts to enhance user experiences, personalize interactions, and optimize digital touchpoints, ultimately driving significant business growth. By leveraging insights, innovative design practices, and advanced methodologies, I have led projects that deliver measurable improvements in key performance indicators.

Explore the projects below to see how strategic UX leadership can foster customer growth and enhance overall business performance.

Ecommerce Personalization:

Enhancing Order History Visibility


Providing visibility of order history on the supplies landing page with easy access to the CTA for reordering would increase ATC and conversion rates.

My Role and Actions

I led the initiative to bring customer information forward, creating an easy-to-shop module based on data showing that most customers ordered the same supplies each month. This involved designing a personalized experience that streamlined the reorder process.


  • Test duration: 5 weeks
  • Total shop revenue increased by $9381 from the variant group, an average weekly increase of $1876
  • ATC rate increased by 4pp (18%)
  • 22% of the variant group interacted with the reorder modal

ATC rate increased by 4pp (18%)

22% of the variant group interacted with the reorder modal

Optimizing Ecommerce Supplies Store:

Improving Product Visibility and Trust


Enhancing product cards for better clarity and emphasizing genuine ink products would increase ATC and conversion rates. Exposing personalized information like recently ordered items would further simplify the buying process.

My Role and Actions

I led the optimization of the supplies store, focusing on aesthetic improvements and personalized information to build trust and make purchasing easier. This involved redesigning product cards and highlighting genuine ink products.


Test Duration 5 weeks

  • ATC rate increased by 6pp (26%)
  • Total shop revenue increased by $14592 from the variant group, an average weekly increase of $2918
  • Variant AOV increased by $5
  • 7% of visits that added an item to the cart clicked on ‘reorder’, accounting for 15% of the variant group’s total revenue
  • 53% of these reorders purchased Ink 787-1, the highest priced ink on the page
Lease Renewal Flow:

Increasing Take Rate for Longer Lease Terms


Displaying savings for longer lease terms would help clients understand and assess the savings, resulting in an increased take rate for longer lease terms.

My Role and Actions

I led the redesign of the lease renewal flow, incorporating savings messaging for longer lease terms directly on the web. This involved using various design tools and methodologies to create a user-friendly and informative experience.


  • 72% of renewals chose longer lease terms with savings messaging
  • Longer lease term take rate increased by 12pp compared to the previous iteration
Mobile Cart Optimization:

Enhancing Order Summary Visibility


The goal was to ensure prospective clients always had access to order summary details when in-cart on their mobile devices.


Allowing users to see the order summary without scrolling would reduce confusion and doubt, leading to higher conversion rates.

My Role and Actions

I led the optimization of the mobile cart experience, ensuring order summaries were easily accessible and improving the overall user flow. This included designing a sticky CTA to facilitate progress through the checkout steps.


Test Duration 8 weeks

  • Variant drove 30% more orders, converting 6pp higher compared to the control
  • Increased month-over-month mobile conversion rate
  • 4pp more users entered their email and completed the first step, with low abandonment in the remaining steps
  • Engagement with expandable order summary was low (1%), but the sticky CTA facilitated easier progression through the steps